Monday 30 September 2024




The number eight is highly significant in many esoteric traditions, the Gnostics, the Kabbalist and some satanic cults. In Freyr's Troth the number eight is also a magic number, because our faith in Freyr is rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Goths, whose eight sided  Octogen star was symbol of  all knowledge. 
 The learning of the runes in their historical setting is of utmost importance to all who belong to Freyr troth. It is through our knowledge of the Runes that we harness the power of Freyr on earth that   There are 24 runes in the Germanic rune row known as the futhark these 24 runes are split up into three groups of eight known as Aetter an old Norse word meaning eighth. Later the Viking rune row was made up of sixteen again a multiple of eight namely two x eighth = sixteen. The soul of Teutonic troth is only found in our understanding of  the power of  runes when grouped in Aetts
 Eight is the holy number of the Teutonic troth there are eight hours in the old Icelandic day. Freyr was served by eight white Valkyries in his feasting hall, there are eight feasts each year held in the Asatru faith. The Goths believed Freyr, was god of magic whose power came from the number eight  symbolises the virtues of wisdom, knowledge, making eight a holy number. 

On the day of doom when evil is fought, Freyr called the enchanted trees to gather and to fight at Ragnarock on his side. There were eight  trees at  the great battle, when  Freyr  casts his magic runes and brought the trees to life.   All trembled before the Oak in heaven and in middle earth, the Holly stood to defend our world as a door keeper against our foes . The Alder came, the giant Elm struck a mighty blow. The gloomy Ash the saviour of the world with the Hawthorn, Birch and Beech of the great forest's formed the defensive wall that defended the Vanier. Eight trees represented Freyr's magical power. 



Sunday 25 August 2024



The troth of Freyr is a heathen system in which wisdom and understanding are sought it is therefore a system of a spiritual science because it presents a definite method which can be practiced, it is also a mystical philosophy because it affirms a possibility of mans return to the secret knowledge and our connection to Atlantis. It does this by Emphasize one basic truth, Man will never be free by searching, the path to true peace is within and journey is inward. The journey are within men and can only be unlocked with a key, it is by understanding the teachings of our troth that you will be given access to the key to open the mind and start a wonderous journey. 

The path of Freyr it is not for everyone, we believe in certain as principles which must be followed in life, those who have a half hearted acceptance would be best to find a different path, because if your not fully committed, the path we follow will not lead you any where. You can not sail in two boats at once loyalty to the path you follow is essential for progress there is no short cuts. A new age is dawning the wolf age sword age are ended the age of the north wind is coming and with it will come the wind of change across Europe.

The worship of Freyr offers those who seek it a faith of love and peace, a faith built on community and living with nature. I welcome every one who has an open mind to dispose of all the Christian beliefs in to the garbage and join our growing Kindred of Freyr, and help us reclaim our heritage and country.


Thursday 22 August 2024


I was not shocked by the violence and riot's that followed the murders in Southport. The white working class of our island are growing angry at the way immigration is happening and changing our nation. What does shock me is that instead of listening to peoples fears and concern's the state is seeking to influence how people think and act. seeking to brainwash the people into how they respond to the crimes of those who settle in the UK, like something out of the Soviet Union.
The 2011 riots terrified the government and those who run the system. Mrs May the then Home Secretary was shaken and fearful of white people rioting against the immigrants being forced upon them.  It was Mrs May who set up a propaganda unit as part of counter terrorism in the Home office. it became known as the research information and communications unit (RICU.)

The RICU aim is to downplay the Islamic threat and promote those who support multi cultural view point. The RICU have spent millions hiring advertising company's to advice and help plan for terror incidents by pre-planning social media campaigns to appear natural public responses to the attacks. These campaigns have been deployed during every UK terrorist incident in recent years. Within hours of any terrorist attack  The government planners have set in place Instagram images and slogans to be used to shape the public views and response. People are sent to lay flowers at the scenes of the attack in apparent unprompted gestures of love and support. Political statements, vigils and inter faith events are all planned in readiness for any Islamic terrorist attack. Political and community leaders are told the words they should use after any incident to promote unity and love amongst the different community's all done to shape the publics response encouraging empathy for victims and a sense of unity with strangers, rather then the public reacting with anger and violence. 

 `These acts are not part of our tradition in UK, we are a tolerant people, love beats hate, we are Manchester, we are Southport, these people getting angry are not from here, they are far right, now is not the time to debate why, blah blah,' are all messages put out after any attack by the local councillors, Christian clergy etc to stop any political debate on why these attacks keep happening. To shape how you think, how you react. To brainwash you in to accepting these attacks and not blaming those in power for allowing these outrages to happen.  Last month in Southport three children were murdered and the English in dozen's of city's reacted with violence. The government , the church and the Lords need to listen to peoples fears instead of seeking to programme how they act and think. 

Riots and attacks on foreigners is not something new, it's happened for over a thousand years. If these fools putting out the woke statements studied our history they would know its always happened. At end of world war one five hundred British soldiers attacked fifty blacks responsible for a string of petty thefts in Liverpool's Belmont hospital. Race riots followed in south shields and Cardiff. In Cardiff where a small black community lived whites rioted for four days in protest at the blacks presence. An Arab boarding house was smashed and a Somali boarding house was burnt down and another Arab beaten to death. The welsh authority's responded by offering repatriation around six hundred blacks out of seven hundred living in wales took the offer and left. Medieval Lincoln, Norwich and london all had anti foreign riots, throughout the 16th century in london there was a widespread resentment against all foreigners. In 1517 the protestant preachers denounced the foreign merchants who were robbing the Londoners. A wave of attacks began thousands of Londoners attacked Venetian and Flemish houses the riots lasted for three days left dozens dead. In 18th century we had anti Jewish riots in London. The government trying to portray these riots as un-British or un usual is nonsense.  People who hold different faiths, different values, never live peacefully together. No matter how much you try to force them.   



Wednesday 22 May 2024

When the tribe is strong


Today, I believe the majority of people in England have lost who we truly are and what it means to be a Saxon. We have lost touch with our Saxon lore and history. we have been wrenched away from our ancestral heritage and our faith in the old god's which are our link to our own roots. The modern world seeks to destroy our family's, faith, our role as parents even our gender. We need to look back to way our people used to live. Until Christianity came along our people thrived, living in connection with nature and the four seasons with the transit of the heavens. 

Before writing and the internet we got our knowledge about how to survive   and how to treat each other,  from our elders. They may not have been  able to weald a spear, but they held in their minds the tribal wisdom & lore the stories reminded us to how to hunt  fish trap and gather. They could tell us, which herb and fungi could be used for healing, which to avoid. The elders were once the font of all our knowledge, they earnt respect. Today the old are given no respect they are locked up in care homes ignored. The younger generations are too arrogant to ask for advice or seek wisdom. This attitude towards the older members of our people comes from the political class, the swamp.  nothing is sacred to the our political rulers as long as we pay our taxes mortgages and credit cards.

In the  old times, the elders were our connection to life itself to the natural world. It is from our elders songs and stories were learnt and passed down around the fires. It was the elders who told us where we came from and our the creation of the world the gods. Today we have no tales, we have a society a giant faceless unaccountable entity. that cares for non of us. 

Our heathen faith is built on community on respect for all members of the community but especially to the older members, our kindreds,  are built on family's and  offer security and shelter substance and support life and laughter. So remember, when the kindred is strong it's members are strong when members are strong the kindred is strong. 


Thursday 2 May 2024



Yesterday was Mayday, across Europe the far-left held their Socialist parades. In hundreds of remote places in Ireland and the Celtic areas of the British isles, fires were lit to welcome the Sun. 

Beltaine Fires in Ireland

Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30th 1945 and his body was given to the Beltaine flames, April 30th is of course on the eve of ancient feast of Beltaine held on Mayday. Fire always played an important art in pre Christian rituals of the sun, the fire festival of the ancient  Celts across Europe was held on May day. This Spring fire festival was held to encourage and celebrate the rebirth of the Sun. It is my belief, Hitler choose this day to sacrifice his body to fire and the Aryan fire god Agni, as a signal that he will one day be re-born.   

To the Celts Mayday and October 31st mark the bisection of the new year into two halves at the beginning of May and November and date from a time, when the British were still followers of the old pagan god's. Beltaine was the greatest festival of our Celtic forebears, when they advanced towards the night with firebrands to liberate the sun from the bondage of its winter death the food at Betaine was Fish, Goose and Boar drawn respectively from the spheres of Water, Air and  Earth.

Wednesday 1 May 2024



Don't expect this blog or a book to make you wise, you need to see for yourself what is true , because that is the only way you can learn anything. This is how you gain wisdom in life.

Faith in Freyr should be a thing not only of the mind but also of the heart, if you want to really experience our gods it's important you get out in the countryside remember our gods are nature the twitter of a bird the leaves rustling on the trees, the sound of water in a stream. Everything in nature is part of the gods and the noises and signs in the countryside are the ways our gods reach out to us as the materialised thoughts of the gods and earth spirits. Visiting ancient sites connected to our faith is therefore very important. 

In the church yard of All Saints Ullcombe church in Kent, grows a  giant magical Yew that pagans call `Heimir’ it’s is one of the oldest trees in southern England. A Plaque in the church yard claims the tree is 2,000 year old, but it could be century's older. The pagans who visit and care for the tree claim, when the immortal gods of Asgard banished the giant race from middle earth and the black sun shone this yew was already old.

The Yew which was mentioned in Doomsday book, was the burial site for wodens kin before church was built. Six Jutish kings were buried here including Hengist and his son Oisic, who ruled kent for 24 years, from 488 to 516 after Hengists death were both buried at Ullcombe. Those who travel there and tie a offering on the tree that is old in years but wise and cunning do so to embrace it's power, by seeing, touch and feeling it. While those who only read about it on this blog can't and will never understand its power.



At The heart of our faith is a simple wisdom or common sense a practical path of how we should live our lives and behave. It's about examining and explaining the basic questions of life. It's about questioning your experience, your beliefs, your traditions with a free mind to see the truth .To find the truth we must not be afraid to examine anything including our own agenda. It is not about accepting what I write or say, its the opposite; it's about examining the world and carefully testing idea's. Freyr dwells within us he sees through our eyes throbs through our limbs breathes through our lungs and roams unendingly in our fields of both the hard earth beneath us the world of the star world above our forefathers he is with us. But this truth can only be experienced if your heart has accepted Freyr.


  FREYR: FEOH: EIGHT The number eight is highly significant in many esoteric traditions, the Gnostics, the Kabbalist and some satanic cults....